2017-02-23 (11:33:37)
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2021.12.09(12:29:10) ¼öÁ¤ »èÁ¦
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2022.02.22(13:54:25) ¼öÁ¤ »èÁ¦
Great way to gain notoriety for a blog: pick a hot topic and stir up some debate, while still maintaining integrity by not being overly aggressive or indigent.
If there was ever a site that showcases the power of List Posts, here it is!One thing even I don¡¯t get is that this site get¡¯s authors to guest post, but doesn¡¯t even give them a link¡¦
This blog has gotten a lot of press, and one main thing the authors tout is their tiny kitchen.This selling point related to a lot of folks: you can make great meals even in a small kitchen.
2022.02.22(13:54:50) ¼öÁ¤ »èÁ¦
Photo travel blogs are a dime a dozen, and Canvas of Light made the cut here because the photos are amazing.Nothing much I can add here, other than the author goes all out and has a lot of talent.
I suck at drawing. Luckily, my brother was blessed with the ability, so I¡¯ve been able to enjoy watching someone talented draw for most of my life, which I¡¯ve enjoyed because I love ¡°traditional¡± drawn art.
Proof positive that if you tackle a tough topic with relentless consistency, you¡¯re guaranteed to find success.
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